
I am a Mother !

 Whoooooo Chileeee !!! Thank God we made it to Sunday because on the 7th day God said R... E ...S ...T! Im sure whoever is reading this could use some lol, anyway I want to apologize for the entirely too looooooong of a post! I am sorry! LIFE HAS BEEN LIFING!!! That's basically how I have felt the past 2 years since I last blogged. I have a son now which most of you know, he just turned two years old and has completely changed and taken over my life. As a new mother or sometimes not new we seem to gradually just lose ourselves in motherhood because "aint no hood like motherhood!" The two years I've been ghost has just been busy busy busy with of course everything centered around Carter! So again I apologize for the late post as I adjust to my new life I want to remind everyone, especially mothers, to take some me time and just breathe. Treat yourself, relax, do absolutely nothing, take the load off, and find new ways to relieve stress! I do feel as a mother we do beco...

DND (do not disturb)

 Good afternoon everyone.. I hope everyone reading this is blessed and in good health.. I know I've spoke before on protecting your peace, mental health, etc. but I cant stress enough how important it is .. DND! I'm not even talking about your cell phone even though you can utilize that also when needing or searching for peace. We all need a break right? YES! Life is something else so having peace is vital! Why would you let someone disturb your peace anyway? Not worth it, no one knows how long we will be on this earth and we should take nothing for granted and live everyday like its our very last! Sometimes its needed to be on "DND,"  from your phone, work, even friends and family. Take time to recoup from that job, or being the "strong" person for others, from being that shoulder to lean on, just basically to reset and release DO WHAT YOU GOTTA DO! It's not rude or selfish its necessary! Everyone deserves a break! Remember to treat yourself sometimes...

A Beautiful Distraction

Whoooo, It's been a long time coming!!! I apologize for the wait I had a whole baby boy and didn't even know I was pregnant! 😲 Forreal! 5.5 months on October 29th Ill never forget, the doctor said you're half way done, do you want to know what your having???! #SayWhaaaaaaa so yeah that's why there hasn't been a post but I hope everyone is still manifesting and staying positive! Then I lost my domain because I've been pleasantly distracted by my son! ; D. I haven't done a blog, gym, work, everything is different now of course but that's life, it's not what happens but how you respond to it. And my pregnancy was a surprise! So that was definitely a curve ball for sure but I love him so much and thank God for my blessing. I think things happen in life, expected or not, always at divine timing, to teach you things etc etc in some shape, form, or fashion. Always remember to adjust positively and live in the moment. This has been my biggest distraction ye...


  Are you living? ...or existing? Are you just "going with the flow" in your daily life and/or routine? Get up early, go to work, and look forward to the weekend every week day in and out. We gotta do better! We have to learn to live in the moment and make the best of every situation, stay positive, and really really just appreciate LIFE itself. You never know when your time is up. Nobody does. We get so caught up in thinking "I have time" or "I'ma die when I get older or when I get sick." But no, any day any hour it can happen, expected or not. How are we suppose to prepare for death? Can you? We must realize it's going to happen. Everyone has a different clock un fortunately . I really hope you're encouraged to truly live every day like its last, find your purpose or passion and go at it. We have too many people miserable in their relationships, their jobs, their marriages, and honestly we shouldn't put up with it "just going with t...

Staying Focused

  Focus: pay particular attention to; concentrate, center of attention.... all of these qualify for definitions of "Focus..." How do you stay focused during difficult times? Hearing about Covid everyday is enough by itself! Afghanistan and I cant imagine how all those people feel who are suffering in Louisiana plus all personal things that can be taking place on top of this world of craziness. What if we reversed how much time we spend being distracted with social media, gossip, tv whatever it is and replaced it with the same amount of time but using it to focus on our goals. Wow, what a difference that would make, don't you agree? So now it's time to dig even deeper and see why are we distracted in the first place and why are we NOT focused? Let me know some practices yall are using to help stay focused, leave them in the comments, it can be anything, meditating, taking time out for yourself to re group, reading some encouraging and uplifting books, whatever it is I ...

Don't Take "It" For Granted

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE! I hope everyone has had a good week thus far... hopefully this new mid-week post will help carry you and give you something to think about as you continue the rest of the week.... I know sometimes we get carried away with work, busy with house things, and just caught up in our normal routine, but when is the last time you stopped and gave thanks for what you had? Or showed gratitude for those small things we take for granted... or big things! This could be talking and communicating with your children and what's going on in their lives or the simple fact that your car started this morning, you have hot water at home, you have shoes on your feet, a place to stay, these are things I think we've gotten so accustom to, but remember not everyone is blessed to have these things... start looking at the brighter side of things in all situations, shift your mind. Maybe your car didn't start   this morning but at least you have some sort of road service assis...

"Never let A Hard Time Humble Us..."

I apologize for the wait I was struggling to come up with the next subject but my best friend came through for me... I never realized 'being humble' wasn't a good thing ..until now... Humble (adjective) -having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's own importance. THIS IS AN AWFUL WAY TO DESCRIBE YOURSELF!    How dare you work hard at surviving, building, starting over, and attaining just to have a low estimate of what you have or what you've gone through! In what world does this make sense?? Yeah I can understand not wanting to come off as smug but why is coming off as humble any better? People are going to form an opinion of you no matter what. You'd be doing yourself a disservice downplaying your value just to sound like the good guy. Humility should be reserved for the areas we aren't well-versed in like when picking up a new skill or when listening to a friend. One of the most important times to show humility is in times of conflict such as an ar...