
Showing posts from January, 2021

Appreciating Your Now

Good Morning everyone, Happy Sunday!! What a blessing it is to simply just wake up today and have another chance at life! N E V E R take it for granted. A fresh start, a fresh breath of air letting go of regrets and yesterday's worries. Let's learn to let go so we can fully appreciate the NOW aka the present. RELEASE as much as you have to! When is the last time you fully let go and lived in the moment? No worries, no stress, not thinking about what you have to do tomorrow or getting ready for work Monday morning... most of the time our mind is so occupied with thoughts, expectations, to do list, and memories that we forget to focus and enjoy our being our NOW!. What's happening at this very moment meaning we're not in it 100% if our mind is somewhere else right? Learn to control your thoughts, your thoughts do control your life so be very cautious with this. This week I challenge you to focus on your present. Give 100% in what you're doing or maybe not doing! lol ...

You Have To Heal In Order To Grow

This post took me a minute to write because I couldn't decided on a topic ..a lot of back and forth .. going forward there will be a weekly post .. and thank you all for your patience with my new manifest blog site... As some of you may know my blogs are a "freestyle" type post, I write about whatever is on my mind and things I have observed. I'm very open and blunt with whatever I feel like speaking on... there is no "right or wrong" I just write how I feel... I have observed and realized that a lot a lot of people hold on to past trauma, hurt, pain, resentment, etc ... things that have scarred them from their past and are currently hindering their growth as a person today. You ever met someone that's just bitter? Or nothing pleases them and/or they're just negative period! Not happy when they should be whether it be for them or someone else. Stuff that people keep inside and never talk about or never really face head on... its like they have kept a...