You Have To Heal In Order To Grow

This post took me a minute to write because I couldn't decided on a topic ..a lot of back and forth .. going forward there will be a weekly post .. and thank you all for your patience with my new manifest blog site...

As some of you may know my blogs are a "freestyle" type post, I write about whatever is on my mind and things I have observed. I'm very open and blunt with whatever I feel like speaking on... there is no "right or wrong" I just write how I feel... I have observed and realized that a lot a lot of people hold on to past trauma, hurt, pain, resentment, etc ... things that have scarred them from their past and are currently hindering their growth as a person today. You ever met someone that's just bitter? Or nothing pleases them and/or they're just negative period! Not happy when they should be whether it be for them or someone else. Stuff that people keep inside and never talk about or never really face head on... its like they have kept all of their emotions tucked inside of them so their a ticking time bomb... you don't know how they will react to things .. they may depend on alcohol or drugs to cope or maybe take out their past hurt on the current person their dealing with, even family or friends. We've got to stop "looking down" on counseling and therapy and things such as "don't cry" or being viewed as weak when we are trying to express ourselves. Suppression is very real. How can you ever be completely healed or 100% happy within if you haven't properly addressed your trauma? Learn to forgive and let go. Life goes on, always. It's one thing to reflect but another to dwell in negativity. It's time to take care of YOU for YOU and reach your maximum potential and purpose in life. Remember forgiveness is for you not for the other person. Live and learn. Protect your peace at all cost .. and as always



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