"Never let A Hard Time Humble Us..."
I apologize for the wait I was struggling to come up with the next subject but my best friend came through for me... I never realized 'being humble' wasn't a good thing ..until now...
Humble (adjective) -having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's own importance.
THIS IS AN AWFUL WAY TO DESCRIBE YOURSELF! How dare you work hard at surviving, building, starting over, and attaining just to have a low estimate of what you have or what you've gone through! In what world does this make sense?? Yeah I can understand not wanting to come off as smug but why is coming off as humble any better? People are going to form an opinion of you no matter what. You'd be doing yourself a disservice downplaying your value just to sound like the good guy. Humility should be reserved for the areas we aren't well-versed in like when picking up a new skill or when listening to a friend. One of the most important times to show humility is in times of conflict such as an argument. The root of all arguments is the lack of empathy and understanding. Show humility by acknowledging you may not be right (and even if you are right humility would be demonstrated by reserving judgement and being open to someone else's perspective.)
I am humbled by the fact that I don't know everything, but I am empowered by my ability to seek help. I will not devalue my fortunes and success to make other people feel better about what they lack. I will live up to my true value as my sacrifices from yesterday allow me to be comfortable today. (written by Lateefah Muhammed)
Guys, keep in mind everything on this blog site is an opinion, some people will agree and some will not and that's ok! I just hate hearing people depreciate themselves when in fact they should be celebrated! Take care and as always...
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