Staying Focused

 Focus: pay particular attention to; concentrate, center of attention.... all of these qualify for definitions of "Focus..."

How do you stay focused during difficult times? Hearing about Covid everyday is enough by itself! Afghanistan and I cant imagine how all those people feel who are suffering in Louisiana plus all personal things that can be taking place on top of this world of craziness. What if we reversed how much time we spend being distracted with social media, gossip, tv whatever it is and replaced it with the same amount of time but using it to focus on our goals. Wow, what a difference that would make, don't you agree? So now it's time to dig even deeper and see why are we distracted in the first place and why are we NOT focused? Let me know some practices yall are using to help stay focused, leave them in the comments, it can be anything, meditating, taking time out for yourself to re group, reading some encouraging and uplifting books, whatever it is I want to hear it so all readers can benefit from it. Sleep and putting your phone down has to be in the top two! lol To everyone let's stay encouraged, uplifted, & positive each and every day so we can focus on our goals! Oh and on another note the hoodies are coming! #FALLSEASONUPNEXT... oh and podcast 2022! I will have a group of close friends discussing real things live on podcast anyone can stream.. stay tuned and always



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