
Showing posts from August, 2022

DND (do not disturb)

 Good afternoon everyone.. I hope everyone reading this is blessed and in good health.. I know I've spoke before on protecting your peace, mental health, etc. but I cant stress enough how important it is .. DND! I'm not even talking about your cell phone even though you can utilize that also when needing or searching for peace. We all need a break right? YES! Life is something else so having peace is vital! Why would you let someone disturb your peace anyway? Not worth it, no one knows how long we will be on this earth and we should take nothing for granted and live everyday like its our very last! Sometimes its needed to be on "DND,"  from your phone, work, even friends and family. Take time to recoup from that job, or being the "strong" person for others, from being that shoulder to lean on, just basically to reset and release DO WHAT YOU GOTTA DO! It's not rude or selfish its necessary! Everyone deserves a break! Remember to treat yourself sometimes...