I am a Mother !

 Whoooooo Chileeee!!! Thank God we made it to Sunday because on the 7th day God said R... E ...S ...T! Im sure whoever is reading this could use some lol, anyway I want to apologize for the entirely too looooooong of a post! I am sorry! LIFE HAS BEEN LIFING!!! That's basically how I have felt the past 2 years since I last blogged. I have a son now which most of you know, he just turned two years old and has completely changed and taken over my life. As a new mother or sometimes not new we seem to gradually just lose ourselves in motherhood because "aint no hood like motherhood!" The two years I've been ghost has just been busy busy busy with of course everything centered around Carter! So again I apologize for the late post as I adjust to my new life I want to remind everyone, especially mothers, to take some me time and just breathe. Treat yourself, relax, do absolutely nothing, take the load off, and find new ways to relieve stress! I do feel as a mother we do become accustom to just doing everything! It's always something aint it! Laundry, kids running around, errands, taking kids to practice, cook, clean, be the one they lean on when they're sick, nightly routines with bath time all of this on top of working full or part time whatever your schedule may be, PLEASE STOP and take a moment for yourself. I'm finding this a bit more difficult now to a point where it could lead to other things, when that load gets too heavy, let something go or get help. Us women are so strong, we overcome so many things, we press through we do this we do that, perseverance baby, that's us!! That load can take a tole on our mental health so be sure to take care of YOU at all times. Of course during this post I got interrupted about 4/5 times with the kids (stepson is 11) you see what I'm saying? Cant even wake up and be productive without some type of distraction, none the less it is blessing to be able to say "I am a mother" and brought life into this world! As I go into this week I will try to focus on making sure things are "balanced." Time for me, time for kids, designated time for whatever it may be you need to get done, everything is centered around the right balance, not too much on one side, a healthy and maintainable balance, a see saw if you will lol. When the load is too much don't get stuck! I will now try to maintain and make a priority to do a weekly post preferably Sundays because I'm off but God Bless and take care of yourselves.... first! Im out... - Carter's Mom


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